Essay on Kipling's novel Kim - search for identity

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Frozen Pot: Kim's Search for Identity During the first wave of immigration, the ethnic composition of the United States had been greatly altered. Millions of people from around the world with different religious and cultural beliefs poured into the nation. During this short time, there were numerous conflicts and tensions as ethnic groups competed for a place in the sun. In the long run, however, the ethnic groups learned to live together peacefully, intermarried, and …

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…conclusion of Kim's journey, society will continue to juggle these two aspects and hopefully in the near future will be able to find a resolution that compliments both sides. Works Cited Baucom, Ian. "The Survey of India." Kim. Ed. Zohreh T. Sullivan. New York: Norton, 2002. 351-8. Kipling, Rudyard. Kim. Ed. Zohreh T. Sullivan. New York: Norton, 2002. Sullivan, Zohreh T. "What Happens at the End of Kim." Kim. Ed. Zohreh T. Sullivan. New York: Norton, 2002. 441-52.