Essay on Dysfunctional Families. What they are, why they exist, the rules and roles of a dysfunctional family. (topic in Sociology class)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Dysfunctional Families The term "Dysfunctional Family" to me means (very basically) a family that is impaired in its functioning, but still operates as a family, with the inherent love underneath all the neuroses and abnormalities. Dysfunctional families seem to have become the norm I believe. Part of the reason for this seems to be that many adult children are educators or counselors (adult children is the term for adults who are still functioning based on …

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…trouble mixing with the other kids, (simply because I never saw them mix with other people) and this has kind of stuck with me throughout life. Not that I would say this sort of stuff to their face, because they are my folks and I love them dearly. I can only say that I'm glad I had the opportunity to move away from home, as I think it's improved my life beyond all recognition. end.