Essay on Brazilian Natural Disasters
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Social Sciences
Brazil is a country overwhelmed by natural, and human, disasters. Natural disasters, such as flooding, drought, mudslides and epidemics, happen frequently. Also, deforestation in the northern region is an ongoing occurrence. The close proximity to the Amazon and the Atlantic Ocean cause many horrible events to happen in this South American country.
<Tab/>Drought is the natural disaster in Brazil that affects the most people. Between 1948 and 2004, a total of 50 million
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World Edition. 9 Dec. 2002. 11 Oct. 2004 <>. "Map of Brazil." Globosapiens. 2004. 10 Oct. 2004 <>. "National System of Civil Defence." Defesa Civil. 27 Sept. 2004. 11 Oct. 2004 <>. "Rains, Flooding Wreck Havoc in Brazil." CNN. 19 Feb. 1998. 9 Oct. 2004 < >.
World Edition. 9 Dec. 2002. 11 Oct. 2004 <>. "Map of Brazil." Globosapiens. 2004. 10 Oct. 2004 <>. "National System of Civil Defence." Defesa Civil. 27 Sept. 2004. 11 Oct. 2004 <>. "Rains, Flooding Wreck Havoc in Brazil." CNN. 19 Feb. 1998. 9 Oct. 2004 < >.