Essay on "Bitter Winds" by Harry Wu

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the book 'Bitter Wind' Harry Wu tells us about his time while imprisoned in China, for a crime he did not commit. But he did not write the book, his collaborator, Carolyn Wakeman, was the one that wrote it. Harry Wu was dictating all the fact and his experiences to Carolyn Wakeman, which put all the information together, did all the writing. Why would Harry Wu let someone else write his autobiography? Even if …

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…for Meihua and his family, his bitterness and suffering in the prison camps, his attempts to stay alive and preserve his self-respect, his sorrow and anger for the loss of a big part of his life and for the many close persons he lost and finally, his faith to live on, to leave the old behind and look ahead, starting a new life. No one else but Harry Wu is able to tell us that.