Essay is about leaglizing same -sex marriage .and how it is already leagal in Canada

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Same- Sex Marriage The Gay community has been very effective in establishing the rights for same sex couples to Marry in Canada and across the United States. Same-sex rights in Canada have come a long way since 1965. It was then that the Supreme Court of Canada backed a ruling that labeled Everett Klippert a "dangerous sexual offender" and threw him in prison for admitting he was gay and that he had sex with other men. …

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…that should not be denied. Vermont now recognizes civil unions that give homosexual couples the full benefits and responsibilities of marriage but are separate from legal marriage. Americans now have the chance to see society can treat gay people with respect. Not having to always be hateful to these community of people. There is not just a couple of hundred of them now there are millions . We need to start being fare in this world.