Essay in support of music piracy.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Today I want to talk about internet piracy and music. What is piracy? Piracy is the act of stealing an artist's work without any intention of paying for it. It all began about three years ago when a file sharing program called Napster came along. Napster has given us the chance to listen and appreciate artists we would never have listened to before. We have then purchased their CDs. Simply, Napster has benefited us and …

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…music industry. How can anyone defend the current system when it fails to deliver music to so many potential fans? In a society of over 300 million people, only 30 new artists a year sell a million records. By any measure, that's a huge failure. Warren Beatty once said: "The greatest gift God gives us is to enjoy the sound of our own voice. And the second greatest gift is to get somebody to listen to it."