Essay evaluating use of speculators and arbitrageurs to a treasury.

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"Essay evaluating use of speculators and arbitrageurs to a treasury" A multinational corporation is a business firm that operates in more than one country. An example of a multinational corporation could be an electronics company producing televisions. They may be designed in the UK, parts bought from Korea, China and Estonia and then assembled in Taiwan. These types of firms move a good bit of financial capital around the world. Financial managers in the multinational …

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…they can allow the corporation to see a certain future financial position. Bibliography Gillespie, LA. 1998. The Bear Swallows The Eagle. Internal Exchange Clearing [Online] 11 June. Available from: [Accessed: 24 November 2002] Belkaoui, A. 1991. Multinational Management Accounting, USA: Greenwood Publishing Group Brealey,RA. Myers, SC. 1991. Principles of Corporate Finance, USA: McGraw-Hill Buckley, A. 2000. Multinational Finance, Great Britain: TJ International Thygerson, KJ. 1995. Management of Financial Institutions, USA: RR Donnelley & Sons Co.