Essay describes the Economic causes and effects of the current US trade defecit on the lives of americans short term and long term(2004)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
U.S. Trade Deficit Since World War II, The United States established agreements with nations across the world to eliminate barriers to international trade and investment. The benefits of free trade had opened up for the American public, and this was reflected in a long string of years when U.S exports exceeded imports. With the devastating effects of war on the rest of the world, the U.S had no fear of international competition, …

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…Widens Sharply." 01/12/2005. 01/20/2005. <>. Faux, Jeff. "Economic Policy Institute." 2002. 01/20/05. <>. Griswold, Daniel T. "The Causes and Consequences of the U.S Trade Deficits." 1999. 01/20/2005. <>. Hamilton, Donald. "The Effects of America's Chronic Foreign Trade Deficit." 1999. 01/20/2005. <>.