Essay criticizing "My America" by Ed Anger.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ed Anger is the author of "My America," a column in Weekly World News, and in these articles he discusses matters relevant around the world. In one such article pertaining to India and Pakistan, Mr. Anger argues that the two nations should not go to war. Although his intentions are pure, he provides only one reason that he believes both Indians and Pakistanis are a similar people and they are not. Moreover, he fails to …

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…there should be no jokes or exaggeration. We stated earlier that his intentions are pure; he did not want to see a war began, but his article almost makes a liar out of him. His usage of slang, examples that were off-topic, and insulting remarks continues to make us wonder how this writer has his own column. Maybe we take him too seriously because as he said himself, he is just a cranky old man.