Essay concerns the 100th birthday bash party of Canada. Had to write this because of a course called "Introduction to Canadian Culture". Received a 91% grade.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
On the first of July, 1967, Canada celebrated its one-hundredth "birthday", its centennial year. Through entire Canada activities were planned. Throughout the entire nation, people were celebrating and having fun. An example of these huge festivities are "The Canada Festival" they offered a huge selection of great entertaining shows, every city celebrated it differently, some even build landing pads for UFO's or even incredibly large festivals like the Expo 67 which was held in Montreal from April 28 …

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…she was the first baby born on the centennial day, at 4:08am to be exact. Which gave her the title of "The Centennial Baby". This earned her some articles in newspapers as well as cash prizes for the family. To conclude, the Centennial was the biggest and probably best party Canada has ever celebrated. The only that rests us now is waiting for the next one, which will be held at the first of July, 2067.