Essay against capital punishment. Stop it in America don't start it again in England.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Against Capital Punishment Most people would say that the punishment should fit the crime, but can anyone really justify murdering someone simply because they deserved it? The main argument for capital punishment is that it puts people off committing murder. There have been many studies attempting to prove this but no one has managed to prove that capital punishment deters murderers more that a long jail sentence does. In fact in the USA most states …

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…is made it is easy to unlock a door and let someone go, but no one can bring back the dead. As an expert on criminal justice has said, 'Realistically, imposing the death threat is expensive and time consuming. Retroactively, it has yet to be proven as a deterrent. Morally, it is a continuation of the cycle of violence and it degrades all who are involved in its enforcement, as well as its victim.'