Essay about documentary "Daughter from Danang."

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"Here, my daughter is, thinking all I want is money" (I want to connect this to the end by showing how Heidi experienced CS and use the language barrier as an example). "Daughter from Danang" is a documentary about Mai Thi Heip. She was taken from her mother at age 7 during the Vietnam War's "operation Baby Lift". She was adopted by an American family in Tennessee and became 101% Americanized, and given the name Heidi Bub. 22 …

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…some of the stages that Heidi goes through. What was evident throughout the movie was that Heidi obviously had no preparation for culture shock, and went into Vietnam completely naíve. I believe culture shock is like getting sick. You can prepare for it, you show symptoms of it, and there is a cure to it. But for most people if no effort is put into the curing only worse comes from it.