Essay about Maechi Wabi

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Journey of One Buddhist Nun, written by Sid Brown, is a story about a woman who is called Wabi. She seeks to become religious. In her efforts to do so, she faces many hardships and difficulties. This story tells about her experiences during her expedition to becoming a maechi. When growing up, Wabi felt unappreciated in her family. Early in her age, she discovered her love for meditation from a visit to a temple …

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…her education. In Wabi's journey of becoming a maechi and searching for religion, she faces numerous impediments. These times of crisis almost stopped her from continuing on as a maechi. Nevertheless, Wabi doesn't give up. She learns various forms of meditation that should assist her to Nirvana. In the course of her periods of conflicts and suffering, she increases her knowledge of Buddhism and gains insights and understandings from her experiences as one Buddhist nun.