Essay about Jacksonians Presidency and what A Jacksonian Democracy is (timed essay)

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Jacksonian Democracy During the period of Jackson's presidency and several years after his presidency, the power which had once been centralized in rich southern planters and northern merchants now shifted down to the lower and middle class white males. The visual gap in appearance between the two extremes was also becoming less visible. These ideas of equality, however, were not spread universally among all people's residing in United States. The oppression of black slaves, Indians, …

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…voters, yet once again denying the rights of blacks and Indians. Jacksonian Democrats appealed to the 'common man'. But the common man was a white male. Throughout the age of Jackson he did successfully promote political democracy, equal opportunity, and personal liberty, however, he only appealed to what he thought was the 'common man'. This 'common man' was a white male, and thus all of his accomplishments excluded and sometimes harmed everyone but white people.