Essay about Fiona Gibson's shortstory "Sugar Baby".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Essay, - Sugar Baby A lot of people are getting used to taking other people's wishes and opinions lightly, deeming their own most important. But losing interest of everyones wishes but your own, is bad news for intimate relationships, especially those in families. Such families will face a lot of problems, like we see in the short story "Sugar Baby" by Fiona Gibson, first published by Conangate Books in the year 2000. In this story we …

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…needs at all, persist on changing others, without paying attention to oneanother's wants and ignoring their loved one's wishes. That though conflicting interests can be overcome, they won't as long as people are egocentric and rather live as seperate units, instead of as the union a healthy family could be. When people won't step back and give eachother space, leave things unsaid and then disrespect eachother by protesting silently, the relationship probably won't last forever.