Essay: To what extent was the New Deal "new"?

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Essay Database > History
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal, was a reform policy, that was unique to him, though some of the same ideas were upheld in the Progressive and Populist movements. Roosevelt was successful at introducing his policy in a time where it seemed to be the only hope to get out of the depression. It was the people's ray of light. The Populists and Progressives represented the farmers and those oppressed by the major industrialists, unlike Roosevelt …

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…equal opportunities. He had marked the change from President's like Hoover, who kept things the same. Roosevelt's Administration and New Deal were in a way a break with the old America and an entry in the new America. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arthur M, Schlesinger Jr., The Coming of The New Deal, The Riverside Press Cambridge U.S.A.1958. Gerald N.Grob & George Athan Billias, Interpretations of Amerian History, The Free Press, New York, New York 1972.