Essay: "CLoudstreet", by Tim Winton

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
'Intrinsic to Cloudstreet is the family unit out of which a complex fabric of ideas is woven.' Select Three or Four events / episodes from the text and write a close analysis of each in terms of what they highlight about 3 or 4 significant ideas you consider intrinsic to the text and how these ideas are represented. Tim Winton's "Cloudstreet" creates textual integrity in the way that it is written and interpreted through different contexts. A …

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…the image of flying into the sun provides an impression of soaring into heaven, confirming his holy status. The image is also representative of Fish's death, which has become a life force spurring the families on through the rest of their lives, finding happiness by transcending the hardships and sticking together as a family. Winton's celebration of the unity and wholeness of a family resonate through Cloudstreet, and he brings it home in Fish's death.