Essay #1: The Symbolism of the Center of the World

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Source: Eliade, Mircea. The Encyclopedia of Religion: Volume 3. New York: Macmillan <Tab/><Tab/>Publishing Company. <Tab/> <Tab/>The symbolism of the center of the world appears in several cultures throughout time. Literally, the center of the world refers to the core of the earth. However, in cultural and religious contexts the term refers to the place where all planes …

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…In fact, in the sacrifice of the Vedic people, the human sacrifice believes wholeheartedly that by giving their physical body to the gods and dying upon a cosmic pillar, the embodiment of the center of the world, they will in turn become immortal. This spiritual need for a closeness and proximity to the center of the world, in whatever form it may take, demonstrates a human need to be near that which is considered sacred.