"Eskimo" or "Inuit" myths about how the world was created.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Eskimo Creation Myth It was the time when there were no people on the earth. For four days the first man lay coiled up in the pod of a beach pea. On the fifth, he burst forth, falling to the ground, and stood up, a full-frown man. Feeling unpleasant, he stooped and drank from a pool of water, then felt better. Looking up, he saw a dark object approaching with a waving motion until it …

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…the old stories told by the Eskimos. They are not searching for a cause or an explanation of order and destiny, but instead are attempting to define their present which "the Eskimo never thinks much beyond". The Word "Eskimo" wasn't actually even made up by the Eskimo's and it means "eaters of Raw Meat". The name was actually made by Indians who lived in Canada. Eskimo's are mainly in four countries, America, Canada, Russia,Greenland.