Escape from the Desert Island

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Desert Island Essay The bright sun pierced through my silted eyelids as I made a feeble attempt to block the burning beams of light with my shaking hand. Unsuccessful, I closed my eyes tightly, shutting out the ball of fire hanging overhead. As my senses returned in a painful blow, I raised myself up slowly, spitting out a mouthful of sand. With a quick glance, I uncovered an interesting fact. All my clothes were gone. …

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…of the harness and landed on the mattress I had previously sailed out to sea. I bounced of the mattress 15 ft. in the air, clearing the coral and appearing in front of a helicopter which was passing by. It flew over to me, and I grabbed on to the landing gear in mid-air, and was rescued without even touching the water or having to deal with the deadly shark that swam in it's dark waters.