Escalation of the US-Vietnam Conflict.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
During Kennedy's presidency from 1962, he sent over 16,000 military advisors to Vietnam including Green Berets to train South Vietnamese army defend themselves. When Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, his successor Lyndon Johnson became the new president. By 1964, 35% of South Vietnam was in Vietcong hands, communists, and 60,000 communist guerrillas operating in the South. Soon after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident on 2 August 1964 the US destroyer Maddox was fired by North Vietnamese and probably another destroyer Turner Joy later. …

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…Even though the war was won, the economy was totally crashed down in Vietnam. There were not many things gained for both sides in the war. The US had lost lots of money, people and morals. On the other side, Vietnam gained morals, but money and people lost. If we look back from today, Vietnam yet does not have a very stable economy and is hardly maintained by food exports, famous for prostitutions and drugs.