Erving Goffman: A Biography.

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June 11, 1922 was a day that would change the world of sociology forever. This was the day that Erving Manual Goffman, czar of human interaction, was born. Goffman grew up in Dauphin, Alberta, Canada near Winnipeg (Manning 1998). He was the child of Max Goffman, a shopkeeper, and his wife Anna, a homemaker. His parents were two of some 200,000 Ukrainians who immigrated to Canada sometime between 1897 and 1914 (Manning 1998). Goffman attended the University of Manitoba in 1939 with an …

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…deinstitutionalization movement of the 1960s. Goffman was a true original, and because of this I am utterly fascinated with him. The more and more I learn about him the more and more I simply adore him. He is my own personal sociological God. There is so much more left to him that I can't wait to find out, I am even reading The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life just for the hell of it.