Ernest Hemmingway's "Soldier Home" and O'brien's "How to tell a true war story"

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Chris Britz Prof. Nunez EN1102 3 March 2003 Patriotism in the Military As a former president once said " And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country". Patriotism is found in every country, but it's the occupants of that country that have patriotism towards their own. This loyalty is seen in both "How to Tell a True War Story" and "Soldiers Home". Patriotism …

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…American public has a different sense of patriotism due to their relative factors. Patriotism, is it worth having? This is a question that must be answered by each individual American. Judge your patriotism with the soldier's perspective, and what they see in combat everyday. A quote by Wilfred Owen sums up patriotism in a nut shell "Dulce et decorum est pr patria mori", which means "Is it sweet and fitting to die for one's country?