Ernest Hemmingway used irony

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ernest Hemmingway used irony for almost every character. Some examples are Robert, Jake, and Brett. He doesn't make it very obvious but you can notice it in each character. He puts the irony in the way that it describes the character and also the way that they act in a crowd. First I want to look at Jake. His first girl that we meet is Georgette. He invites her to dinner and on the way …

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…the end of the book he becomes violent. He gets in a fist fight with Mike and with Jake. He uses his boxing skills and hurts both of them. The irony of many characters is not very noticeable if it is even there. These 4 characters are very noticeable. It is shows you how they act and what drives each character. Many of the smaller characters do not have the irony that the main characters have.