Ernest Hemingway 2

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ernest Hemingway was a great author of American literature. Born on July 21, 1899, he wrote stories that reflected on his life. He lived in Oak Park, Illinois where his father Clarence Edmonds Hemingway was a physician. In 1917 Ernest Hemingway graduated from high school. Soon after he got a job as a reporter for the Kansas City Star. A few months after getting the job he was sent to Italy. He was sent to be an ambulance …

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…a variety of ways. Some people fear war, and others do not want to go to war, because of their lives and what surrounds them. Hemingway has shown the side that people never knew of, because it was never spoken of. It seems realistic and it served a good purpose. Hemingway was trying to show you how war treated people and war was not a good thing for the people known as the "Last Generation".