Era of the cold war points

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
I.Scientific and Technological advances and Environmental decline A.Transportation and Communication 1.In 1947 first plain flew faster than the speed of sound 2.Television became a major phenomenon B.Computer Advances 1.In 1950 the development of silicon chip brought major changes 2.Significance of computer lead to a new information age C.Genetics and Medical developments 1.Scientist declared DNA was the key to heredity 2.Genetic engineering also opened up a new realm of possibilities D.Environmental Issues 1.During 1960 …

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…or religious beliefs B.Cultural Pluralism 1.In the west, Pluralism was encouraged by numerous trends especially by the various forms of media 2.Religious and cultural influences that had developed outside the U.S. and Europe became part of this cultural pluralism C.Religious responses to modern life 1.Many people began to feel threatened or disoriented by the conflicting values being manifested in their societies 2.This lead to anti-western fundamentalism that manifested itself strongly in the 1980