Equality in America during the 1830's to 1860's

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Essay Database > History
Alexis de Tocqueville?s description of America as a land of equality was an inaccurate one, as his opinion came out of dealings exclusively with upper society and he concurred with the majority of the population that the treatment of blacks, women, and ?undesirables? as second-class citizens was not a contradiction to the principles of democracy. The time period in which Tocqueville lived was one of rapid change not only within the United States, but …

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…By this he meant that Americans could accomplish through voluntary, grassroots efforts the sort of social change that only powerful rulers could accomplish in Europe. These associations that Tocqueville spoke of, recognized the truth of inequality within the democracy and sought to change it. Because America allowed organizations for things such as abolition and women?s rights to exist that changes could come about and America could come closer to actually realizing Tocqueville?s description.