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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
A democratic social system advocates for equality of the people. Democratic social conditions cultivate attitudes of petty materialism, individualism, a cult to conformity to mass opinion and culture, and an insatiable and debased lust for equality. Over time, individual freedom, human dignity, and political democracy can be threatened by the consequences of the attitudes fostered by democratic social conditions. Individual freedom gives individuals the right to be independent and self-reliant. But, a democratic nations individual …

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…it shared the most absolute democratic and republican theories. That was the element that had aroused its most dangerous adversaries. Persecuted by the home government, and with their strict principles offended by the everyday ways of the society in which they lived, the Puritans sought a land so barbarous and neglected by the world that there at last they might be able to live in their own way and pray to God in freedom. (Toc 36)