Equal Opportunity in the Workplace - Define affirmative action as it applies to the current workplace environment. What are the various ways organizations can support and develop equal opportunity?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
America's founding fathers stated in the Declaration of Independence, "all men are created equal." However, in 1789 a ratification to the Constitution stated a slave as "three-fifths" of a free man, making the distinction to ensure a slave could not become a member of Congress. It was not until 1861 that this distinction was made illegal, making a slave a free man through the Emancipation Proclamation. After this, it took another fifty-nine years for a 1920 amendment to …

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…by working for a company whose workforce is already comprised of a high percentage of top female employees. Seeing their success, I hope to maintain my confidence in my climb up the corporate latter, setting high hopes for women and minorities employed after me, as my predecessors have set for myself. In confronting the glass ceiling, I feel that knowledge of the accomplishments of women in the workforce over the years is one's strongest power.