Equal Education Opportunities Act (EEOA) of 1974: History, Content, and Educational Implications.

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Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present the history of the Equal Education Opportunities Act (EEOA) of 1974, its content, and its implications for ELL classrooms and learners. Historically, learning opportunities for language minority students have often been limited due to differences between English Language Learners' (ELL) native languages and cultures and the dominant language and culture of the United States and the public schools that these students attend (http://www.maec.org/legal.…

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…scene. Education Digest, 70(5), 68-71. Retrieved January 21, 2006 from EBSCOhost. Lyons, J.J. (1988). Legal responsibilities of education agencies serving national origin language minority students. Retrieved January 21, 2006 from http://www.maec.org/lyons/2.html. Mid Atlantic Equity Center. (2005). Legal responsibilities of education agencies serving language minority students. Retrieved January 21, 2006 from http://www.maec.org/legal.html. Richard-Amato, P. & Lessow-Hurley, J. (2003). Instruction and assessment of english learners. [University of Phoenix custom Edition e-text]. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.