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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Epilepsy Robert J. Gumnit, a M.D., writes in his book Living Well With Epilepsy that all people suffering from seizures feel like that they are outcasts of society. They feel different than other people. They are scared to interact with others in public for fear of having a seizure and being made fun of. Some of the greatest people had seizures, such as Socrates, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Thomas Edison. People should …

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…from God or a curse. Seizures are highly misunderstood and highly mistaken for something to be feared. People with epilepsy are normaly human beings with personalities just as great and wonderful as anyone else's. There are hundreds of causes of seizures from getting hit on the head to meningitis. Epilepsy is not a thing to be feared and if you are humane at all, it is not a thing to be taken advantage of either.