Environmental discourse in the work environment.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
"Krista, Can you please do an ETF for our newbie?" asks my co-worker. From the moment I started my position in Human Resources, I had to gain an understanding of a language that was very unfamiliar to me. My work environment was filled with acronyms and abbreviations. Although it was customary to speak in such a dialect, I had a hard time keeping up with a conversation. The workplace is one of many different places …

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…how people speak of you is a tremendous attribute to your character. It is admirable to be able to speak with your 2-year old all day long and then go to a bible study. The dramatic differences in dialect that are used on a daily basis can reflect a person's diversity among their fellow human beings. If you don't know how to talk to someone, how do you expect to attain your goals in life?