Environmental Racism?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
There is a political theory of justice that was created by John Rawls that states, that all rational members of society in the original position should make decisions. Rawls called this method as a "veil of ignorance." This is used an instrument to make decisions in developing local projects. In the United States there is a spectacle called NIMBYism, which stands for Not-In-My-Backyard. This is when a group of a local community members protest about …

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…be the case but it's not. It seems like the people of Passaic don't care. Why is this? Guessing that they have been ignored and put down for so long that they don't care anymore. They all accept it as it is thinking that they can't do anything about it. So, is this environmental racism or just a case of lazy community members? I guess it all depends on which angle you look at it.