Entrepreneurship and small business

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Earning money is an essential for every living being. In modern day and age running a business is one of the easiest ways of generating money. The term "entrepreneurship" is often used to describe a small business. So what is entrepreneurship? How important is it in modern society in the U.K? The task set will explore the importance of entrepreneurship in the U.K. In this report I will be covering the economical, social …

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…but also against Hindu and Asian British. Language has also been a barrier, especially for first-generation immigrants, preventing many from engaging in entrepreneurial activity. However, since many strong ethnic community-based businesses already exist, the challenge for the government is to facilitate the growth of the successful minority ventures by helping them widen their networks. Bibliography: Colin Barrow 2002 The complete small business guide Oxford: Blackwell Alan Le Marinal 2005 Start and run your own business Oxford: Blackwell