Entering Foreign Markets(Taiwan)

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Product and Target Market Planning 1)Product Concept Competitive Advantages * According to Researhers taiwan will import more products especially organic foods,pulses,and electronics * Demand for organic food including grains, beans, lentils, tree nuts and dehydrated fruits is increasing. Among beverages, herb teas, apple juice and vegetable juice are in demand. (2004 The Economist Intelligence Unit) * Imports of organic food are high and the US is the main supplier. (İgeme 2005) * The land and climate are not …

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…soup, fresh bean, and chickpea just like in Turkey.And according to our sales they liked it. *<Tab/>Our company are not resulting pollution or wasting the natural resources. Besides we are providing them new resources as agricultural products. *<Tab/>We add a new kind of food to Taiwanese dinner tables so we expand their eating habits. <Tab/> <Tab/>