Enmity between Brothers

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Enmity Between Brothers The nature of human beings is to struggle with one another. Brothers, and metaphorically all mankind are brothers, are constantly jealous and arrogant toward one another. This can lead to violence; murder, war, and all the evils of mankind. The archetype of enmity between brothers appears again and again in many cultures because human beings are unable to get along. This archetype of enmity between brothers appears most prominently in the ancient …

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…of all kinds, constantly fight, argue, and disagree with one another. People are simply unable to get along. When they are jealous of one another, there is violence. Cain killed Abel out of jealousy. Set suffocated Osiris because he wanted to be the king. Poseidon hates Zeus because he is jealous Zeus got the heavens. These petty differences between brothers lead to jealousy that leads to violence because human beings are unable to get along.