Enlightens or Darknesses

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Valentina Gjoni Eng: 004 04/22/03 Professor: Janet Oliver Enlightens or Darknesses Technology is not the most important factor in our lives. Every one of us that emigrated from poor countries experienced a non advanced technology world. It did not nuisance us because we did not know the existence of the high quality machines or anything related with technology. The two stories describe the life of the Third World countries in different views at some points but the …

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…life, without having to get through the difficulties that our parents or grandparents had to get through. Live the life the way that you enjoyed let the others decide for theirs. Bibliography Smalzer R. William, Write to be Read. Cambridge University Press, 1996 Smalzer R. William Write to be Read. "Nothing is Black, Nothing is White" Norberg-Hodge Cambridge University Press, 1996 Smalzer R. William Write to be Read "Development, Democracy, and the Village Telephone" Sam (Satyan) Pitroda