English translation to the 5th and 6th song on the mandrin singer Jay Chow's 'Fantasy' CD.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Track 5: Unable to Speak I just left you for a while and I'm already wondering how you are now My entire life belongs to you, just thinking of you keeps me from falling asleep Those smiles on your lips are just so cute and you always smelled of the perfect perfume You are my happiness, thinking of you just makes me smile Bridge: Your absence causes my misery (Your absence causes my depression and frustration) …

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…to be A lady who speaks with a gentle accent walks slowly down the lane Chorus: The vanishing era of 1943 On memories lane, the time passes slowly Old street neighbors and narrow alleys Belongs to that melancholic period with white walls and black earthenware The vanishing era of 1943 The flashbacks of it seemed a little frozen Old record players and aged leather suitcases Hidden in the steel container filled with postcards Is a rose petal