English and French Relations in the 20th Century

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Essay Database > History
English and French Relations in the 20th Century In the 20th Century, the relationship between English and French in Canada has deteriorated. French-English relations were already suffering and continued to do so before World War I. The two world wars and the depression years strained relations greatly. In the post-war years, the Quebecois began to organize, and in some cases, rebelled. The product of these events is a country, threatened with division. Relations before the …

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…the 20th Century have worsened. The state of affairs at the turn of the century were tense and filled with suspicion and mistrust. The period of the wars and the interim between them made things worse with questions of loyalties and priorities. The post war period saw everything from separatism, to minor rebellion. The issue is dangerously critical; Canadians must work hard and quickly to smooth over the anger, and preserve Canada as a whole.