English-Only Policies

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Essay Database > History
"English Only flows from insecurity. Now that demographic changes of all kinds - greater mobility, nontraditional families, mass culture - are disrupting Americans' sense of community, there is a renewed search for unifying institutions" --James Crawford English-Only. Making English the official language would defeat the whole purpose of this country. The founding fathers wrote the Constitution, which states that we have the right to a freedom of speech and education. If English was never the …

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…compuserve.com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/question.htm Crawfor, James. Language Policy. Available at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/langpol.htm Crawford, James. Hold Your Tongue. 1992 Available at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/HYTPREF.htm. Hudson, Holly. The English Language Amendments, communicated by Dr. Brenda Knowles. Available at: http://www.iusb.edu/~journal/1998/Paper15.html Daniels, Harvey A. Not Only English Affirming America's Multilingual Heritage. United States of America: National Council of Teachers of English, 1990.