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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
6.1 Energy A. Energy 1. Energy is capacity to do work; cells must continually use energy to do biological work. 2. Kinetic energy is energy of motion; all moving objects have kinetic energy. 3. Potential energy is stored energy. a. Water behind a dam has potential energy that can be converted to kinetic energy. b. Energy within an atom lies in arrangement of its atoms in molecule; glucose has more energy than its breakdown components, carbon dioxide and water. …

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…ATP is constantly recycled from ADP and -- it is continually made, broken down, and remade in cells. 4. The energy released from ATP ADP + is just about enough for most biological reactions. D. Function of ATP 1. Chemical work: ATP supplies energy to synthesize macromolecules that make up the cell. 2. Transport work: ATP supplies energy needed to pump substances across the plasma membrane. 3. Mechanical work: ATP supplies energy to move muscles, cilia and flagella, chromosomes, etc.