Endless Darkness: An Insight into Night (An essay about the indifference expressed in the book, Night by Elie Wiesel)

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<Tab/>"Necessity is the mother of invention". This is a very famous quote that is widely accepted worldwide. But when invention is impossible, something else must be compromised to compensate this need. When people are pushed over the edge and do not have their physical needs met, they turn to invention's brother, "Corruption" and become corrupted and become callused to the suffering and pain of others. There are many examples of …

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…dire physical necessity. "There were no prayers at his grave. No candles were lit in his memory". (106) This is a statement Wiesel made after his father's death. This statement came from the corruption, indifference, and callousness that resulted from desperate need. The scenes in Night- with the Rabbi's son on the snowfield, with Meir Catz on the train, and with Wiesel when his father died, all prove this. Necessity... the mother of invention... or indifference.