Enchanting Escape

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Enchanting Escape It was a cold blistering night; The moon glowed upon the field as I approached the summit of this beastly hill. My fears inside of me began to climax as my stomach turned and my face blushed cherry red. As I lay in my rusty sled my heart began to pump increasingly faster as my body trembled with fear. This would be the largest hill that I would ever venture down. With a …

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…an emergence from his bare tree, I realized that this was not just an ending, but also a new beginning. As the orange sun set upon the horizon, the prospect of a stunning spring came to mind. My mind shifted to thoughts of tall green grass and flying kites as I snuggled into bed that night. The wintry weather may have subsided, but now it was time for the green days of spring and summer.