"Empire Falls" by Richard Russo

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"Empire Falls" By Richard Russo At first Empire Falls was a tough book to get into. I had a hard time following the book. Empire Falls had a lot of different stories with in itself. When I read the prologue of Empire Falls I thought the story was going to slowly unfold the life story of a man named C.B. Whiting. Instead the book told a life story about a man named Miles Roby. …

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…on her lap. At the end of the story Mrs. Whiting's body was found floating in the river with the cat still alive and hissing vigorously on her shoulder. I think that some how the cat lead Mrs. Whiting to the river and she fell in and drowned. This was C. B.'s way of getting back at both Miles and Mrs. Whiting for not being able to have what he wanted most in life.