Emperor Julius Caesar: His Rise to Power

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Essay Database > History
The Emperor Julius Caesar is perhaps most famous as the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity. His rise from a humble birth as a peasant boy to Emperor is a tale of bravery, adversity and ultimately triumph through faith. Julius Caesar was born as Groyxo Gaul in 54BC into an immigrant family in the back streets of Rome. Neither parent was rich. The French historian Robert Kilroi-Silc noted: "Sa mere etait un hamster et …

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…Politics Herodotus, The History Plato, Life of Caesar Plutarch, The Wedding of Caesar Socrates, The Unwritten Works Modern Sources Luther Blisset. 1981. The Roman Empire. Watford Publishing. Noel Edmonds. 1992. Caesar, Christ and Things. CB Press. Paul Gascoigne. 1995. Further thoughts on Julius Caesar's Philosophy of Being. Journal of Roman Studies XII. p45-49. Edward Gibbon. 1677. The Origin and Rise of the Roman Empire. Penguin Classics. Andre Young. 1999. Peace and the Caesar Way. Classics USA XLIII p996-8.