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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Emotions No matter how hard you try, you cannot control your emotions, only attempt to hide them. Emotions influence every aspect of our lives, what we do, what we say, and et cetera. All of our emotions, from anger to insecurity, are influenced by several factors, just as our lives are influenced by our emotions (Gelinas, Emotions 35). First of all, it causes problems when one does not trust himself, and it shows up in many …

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…the provider because they feel they are trapped (Gelinas, Emotions 46). Some people try to deceive reality by not taking anything seriously. They feel they are too good to feel sad, so they constantly act happy to avoid have emotional responsibilities such as relationships (Gelinas 45). In conclusion, many things can influence our emotions. Emotional problems can be revealed in the way one acts, even though acting a certain way is often used to camouflage a problem.