Emotions and physical health relationship

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
It has been known for centuries that psychological/emotional factors are related to many physical illnesses--some emotional reactions cause problems and some psychological circumstances or techniques help us feel better. Emotional trauma can cause physical problems. A recent study reported that women who experience trauma--domestic violence--have 50% to 70% more neurological, gynecological, and stress-based physical problems than women who have never been abused (Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, 2002, Archives of Internal Medicine). Of course, the reverse is …

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…world, making them the one person on the planet who feels, acts, and thinks in this one particular way. Psychologists are intrigued by these similarities and uniqueness. In their attempts to understand them, they have developed theories of personalities. These theories generally identify the characteristics common in all people: what makes the typical human being tick. But these theories also note the diversity of people, and try to identify the dimensions along which people vary.