Emotions And Colour

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
3.2 Colour and Emotion It is generally thought that certain colours are associated with certain emotions, the obvious example being red for anger. If this is the case then the animations could incorporate the theories of colour and emotion, and therefore make it easier for the emotions to be conveyed. 3.2.1 Colour Psychology The Psychology of Colour - S. Wu http://psychology.about.com/library/weekly/aa031501a.htm Colours can affect our emotions and behavior. Our …

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…or patches. Depression is heavy and thick and dark in colour. Fear shows as a shrinking greyness. Hate can create dark black clouds or arrows. The happy emotions show in bright, peaceful and beautiful colours. Peace is often light blue, pale pink or lemon yellow. Love suffuses the aura with rose pink. Energy fills it with orange or gold. So, the theory behind auras may be helpful in defining which colours correspond to which emotions.