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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Psychologists today increasingly view emotion as a safeguard of survival and an enrichment of experience throughout development. Emotional expression provides a powerful communication system, one that is especially important in the early childhood stage of life before language has been developed. As these developments proceed, voice, face, gesture, and posture continue to communicate feelings to others and to influence their behaviour. Ways of expressing emotion may be either innate or culturally acquired. Certain facial expressions, …

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…Psychology, W.W Norton & Co, 1995 Gross et al, Understanding Psychology, Hodder & Stoughton, 2001 Gross R, McIlveen R, Coolican H, Clamp A and Russell J, Psychology - A New Introduction for A Level, Hodder and Stoughton Educational, 2000 Hayes, N, Psychology, Hodder & Stoughton, 1994 Ledoux Joseph, The Emotional Brain<Tab/>, Weidenfeld Nicholson, 1998 Malim T and Birch A, Introductory Psychology, MacMillan Press Ltd, 1998 Wadeley et al, Perspectives in Psychology, MacMillan, 1992