Emma Goldman

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Emma Goldman, undoubtedly one of the most notable and influential women in modern American history, consistently promoted a wide range of controversial movements and principles, including union organization and the eight-hour day, sexual freedom and birth control, equality and independence for women, and freedom of thought and expression for all. Goldman's advocacy of these causes, which many deemed subversive at the time, helped set the historical context for some of today's most important political and …

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…d 1.) "Anarchy Homepage". http://pages.prodigy.com/skicgm/hp.htm (12/23/96). 2.) Diggs, Robert. The Life of Emma Goldman. New York: Quantum Publishing Inc., 1976. 3.) Sapon, Jason "Emma Goldman Information Home Page" http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/5366/goldman.htm (12/23/96). 4.) Smith, Clifford Peter, ed. The Many Sides of Anarchy. New York: IDG Books, 1965. 5.) Wexler, Alice. Emma Goldman: An Intimate Life. New York: Pantheon Books, 1984. 6.) Woods, Corey. "Emma Goldman Quote Page". http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/6853/emma.htm (12/08/96).